The 69th Nationwide Movie Awards for the 12 months 2021 was declared on Thursday. Kollywood actor Allu Arjun received the award for the perfect actor for the movie Pushpa: The Rise and Bollywood stars Alia Bhatt and Kriti Sanon shared the award for the perfect actress for Gangubai Kathiawadi and Mimi respectively. Rocketry: The Nambi Impact, a retelling of the life story of Indian Area Analysis Organisation scientist Nambi Narayanan, written, produced and directed by R. Madhavan, received the award for the perfect characteristic movie.
Listed here are the complete record of winners.
Finest movies
Finest Hindi Movie – Sardar Udham
Finest Kannada Movie – 777 Charlie
Finest Marathi Movie – Ekda Kay Zala
Finest Malayalam Movie – Residence
Finest Gujarati Movie – Final Movie Present
Finest Mishing Movie – Boomba Experience
Finest Assamese Movie – Anur
Finest Bengali Movie – Kalkokkho
Particular mentions in characteristic movies class
Residence – Indrans
Kadaisi Vivasayi – Late Shri Nallandi
Jhilli – Aranya Gupta and Bithan Biswas
Anur – Jahanara Begum
Technical classes
Finest motion route: RRR
Finest choreography: RRR
Finest particular results: RRR
Finest music director: Devi Sri Prasad (Pushpa: The Rise)
Finest authentic screenplay: Nayattu
Finest dialogues: Gangubai Kathiawadi
Finest editor: Sanjay Leela Bhansali (Gangubai Kathiawadi)
Non-feature movie class
Finest non-feature movie – Ek Tha Gaon (Garhwali and Hindi)
Finest director – Bakual Matiyani for the movie Smile Please (Hindi)
Finest movie on household values – Chand Saanse (Hindi)
Finest movie on social points – Mithu Di (English), Three Two One (Marathi and Hindi)
Finest cinematographer – Bittu Rawat for the movie Pataal Tee (Bhotiya)
Finest investigative movie – Trying For Challan (English)
Finest instructional movie – Sirpigalin Sipangal (Tamil)
Finest environmental movie – Munnam Valavu (Malayalam)