Tamil actor Ajith Kumar, who can be an avid biker, has launched his bike touring firm AK Moto Journey. Making the massive announcement on Tuesday, the actor stated: “I’ve lengthy liked and lived by this quote: ‘Life is a gorgeous trip. Embrace the twists, turns, and open roads forward.’ I’m now happy to share that I might be channelling my ardour for bikes and the outside into an expert endeavour, via a bike touring firm, AK Moto Journey”
The corporate is not going to solely provide excursions of Indian areas, however worldwide routes additionally. AK Moto Journey may also present ‘meticulously maintained journey touring superbikes that assure dependability and efficiency all through the tour with an unyielding dedication to security and luxury’.
In a press release, Ajith additional stated: Skilled guides well-versed within the intricacies of motorbike excursions and with in depth data of native customs and traditions will provide riders a seamless and immersive expertise from begin to end.”
Ajith’s love for the highway is not any secret. Final 12 months, he went on a motorcycle tour throughout India and was additionally seen on a bike tour throughout Europe. In actual fact, he even ended up inspiring his Thunivu co-star Manju Warrier to purchase a BMW superbike. The actress had accompanied Ajith on a motorcycle trip to Ladakh final 12 months.